It's Me, Jenn!
For over fifteen years I’ve been a professional photographer. Over the years I have dived into a wide variety of photographic genres, but have found a home in fine art and commercial work.
See Curriculum Vitae
"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Truth be told, I got into photography as a way to have an excuse in high school to get out of class. I signed up to be on the yearbook staff and then volunteered to be a yearbook photographer because time in the darkroom meant time unsupervised by any teachers...I ended up falling in love with my escape from authority as it allowed me to have a chance to truly create something. I loved the magic of watching my memories appear on the paper and knowing I could wield a wand to change their final product.
Over the years I spent numerous hours in the darkroom developing film and my own prints. As I saw photography move into new options in digital I moved with the ever changing flow. I still love the traditional film and dark room, but digital has allowed me to create works of art I never before saw as possible. Wanting to be able to maximize my potential in this field I attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and got my Bachelors of Science in Photography.
In 2020, I went back to school once again. I graduated with my Master of Arts in Photography from the Academy of Art University in May 2022. That did'n’t slow down my education as I continued straight into the summer to work on to getting my Master of Fine Arts in Photography. I am projected to graduate with the MFA in May 2023. This path is enabling me to expand my work and skill in ways I didn’t even think possible.
The further education has reminded me why I got into photography and my love for creating images with the old and the new. I have a resurgence in my love for film photography and how I can combine it with more modern digital editing or printing. I also love using newer digital photography with older alternative print processes to create one of a kind prints of my artwork.
I am able to bring a more balanced and unique perspective to my images and my ability to help my clients. I would love the opportunity to help create images for you or your company.

Things I Love
ANALOG & ALternative photography